9 things to never plug into a power strip

Nine Devices to Avoid Plugging into Power Strips:

Oven: Highlight the high energy consumption of ovens and the risk of dangerous overheating when plugged into a power strip.

Refrigerator and Freezer: Discuss the continuous power draw of these appliances and the risks of plugging them into an extension cord.

Washing Machine and Tumble Dryers: Point out their high annual energy consumption and the associated risks of short-circuiting when using a power strip.

Auxiliary Heating: Caution against using power strips for these devices due to their tendency to overload the strip quickly.

Microwave: Clarify the misconception about microwaves being low energy consumers and advise against using power strips for them.

Coffee Maker: Share the surprising energy consumption of coffee makers and the recommendation to plug them directly into a wall outlet.

Toaster: Illustrate the high energy use of toasters and advise against using power strips for them.

Daisy-Chaining Extension Cords: Warn against connecting multiple extension cords, a practice that can easily exceed power strip limits and cause fires.

Internet Box, Computer, and TV: Explain the sensitivity of these devices to electrical issues and suggest using a surge protector if a power strip is necessary.


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