Check this detail in the freezer: you pay double your bill

To avoid receiving excessively high bills, you must pay close attention to this detail regarding the freezer.

button in the freezer

The last period has been very difficult for the vast majority of Italian families. Rising electricity and gas bills   have literally brought many households to their knees, especially those who were already struggling to make ends meet. State interventions, particularly   bonuses and incentives  , made it possible to resist the impact of these increases, which were very high in some months. In addition to this help, many have decided to radically change their habits, adopting   different behaviors   at home with the aim of saving on energy costs.

With this freezer change you save a lot on your bills

In particular, many have started turning off the lights in rooms where no one is there, but also turning off all switches at night and   adjusting the temperature of the refrigerator according to the   season.

Continued on the next page

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